Switched back to grey theme as default (oops!). Theme selection widget will come in a later commit.
<?php/** * Action servlet (play, pause, etc.) * * Greyhound - real web management for Amarok * Copyright (C) 2008 Dan Fuhry * * This program is Free Software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for details. */status('initializing Services_JSON');$json = new Services_JSON(SERVICES_JSON_LOOSE_TYPE);// keep track of playlist refresh$playlist_last_refresh = time();/** * Terminate a request with an error string formatted as JSON. * @param string Error message */function json_die($msg){ global $json; echo $json->encode(array( 'mode' => 'error', 'error' => $msg )); return true;}function ajax_request_handler($httpd, $socket){ global $playlist, $mime_types, $json, $allowcontrol; global $use_auth, $auth_data; if ( !session_check() ) return true; // Set content type $httpd->header("Content-type: {$mime_types['js']}"); // get PATH_INFO $pathinfo = @substr(@substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 1), @strpos(@substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 1), '/')+1); if ( empty($pathinfo) ) { return json_die('No action specified on URI'); } $params = explode('/', $pathinfo); $action =& $params[0]; switch ( $action ) { case 'stop': case 'next': case 'prev': if ( !$allowcontrol ) return false; echo dcop_action('player', $action); break; case 'play': if ( !$allowcontrol ) return false; echo dcop_action('player', 'playPause'); break; case 'jump': if ( !$allowcontrol ) return false; $tid =& $params[1]; if ( !preg_match('/^[0-9]+$/', $tid) ) { return json_die('Invalid track ID'); } $tid = intval($tid); dcop_action('playlist', "playByIndex $tid"); $return = array( 'current_track_length' => $playlist[$tid]['length_int'], 'current_track_pos' => 0, 'current_track_title' => $playlist[$tid]['title'], 'current_track_album' => $playlist[$tid]['album'], 'current_track_artist' => $playlist[$tid]['artist'] ); echo $json->encode($return); break; case 'volume': if ( !$allowcontrol ) return false; $volume =& $params[1]; if ( !preg_match('/^[0-9]+$/', $volume) ) { return json_die('Invalid track ID'); } $volume = intval($volume); dcop_action('player', "setVolume $volume"); $return = array( 'volume' => $volume ); echo $json->encode($return); break; case 'seek': if ( !$allowcontrol ) return false; $pos =& $params[1]; if ( !preg_match('/^[0-9]+$/', $pos) ) { return json_die('Invalid track ID'); } $pos = intval($pos); dcop_action('player', "seek $pos"); break; case 'refresh': global $playlist_last_refresh, $playlist, $playlist_last_md5; if ( $playlist_last_refresh + 60 < time() ) { rebuild_playlist(); } $current_track = dcop_action('playlist', 'getActiveIndex'); $current_time = dcop_action('player', 'trackCurrentTime'); $is_playing = dcop_action('player', 'isPlaying'); $return = array( 'is_playing' => $is_playing, 'is_paused' => $current_time > 0 && !$is_playing, 'current_track' => $current_track, 'volume' => dcop_action('player', 'getVolume'), // include the MD5 of the playlist so that if it changes, the // client can refresh (otherwise things get madly corrupted) 'playlist_hash' => $playlist_last_md5, 'current_track_title' => false, 'current_track_album' => false, 'current_track_artist' => false ); if ( isset($playlist[$current_track]) ) { $return['current_track_length'] = $playlist[$current_track]['length_int']; $return['current_track_pos'] = $current_time; $return['current_track_title'] = $playlist[$current_track]['title']; $return['current_track_artist'] = $playlist[$current_track]['artist']; $return['current_track_album'] = $playlist[$current_track]['album']; } echo $json->encode($return); break; default: return json_die("Undefined action: $action"); }}